Healing Minds, Restoring Lives

What to Bring
Upon arrival, staff will inspect and inventory all personal property. You have the right to be present when your items are searched. Your belongings will be documented on a form which you and your friend or family members will be asked to sign. We ask that you please make sure all your items are noted on the list so they may be returned to you upon discharge.
Only items that are safe for you and for others can be brought on the unit. Clothing must be free of strings, offensive messages, and other restrictions as set forth in the Contraband Policy.
Storage space is limited therefore patients are only authorized to have in their possession on the unit the following:
Five (5) complete outfits (to include five (5) pairs of: pants (pajama pants/sweats are included in these items), five (5) shirts/sweatshirts (no hoods or strings), five (5) undergarments(bras must be free from underwire), and five (5) pairs of socks.
One pair of shoes (no laces).
Dentures, retainers, hearing aids or eyeglasses should be kept in protective containers and may be labeled with a patient label.
Soft good items such as pillows, blankets, sheets, stuffed animals, and spare clothing items will be sent home with guardian or family member.
If a family member can’t take items home, they will be inventoried, secured, and returned to the patient at discharge.
Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy environment for all patients who enter for treatment. Some items are prohibited on our facility grounds:
No sharp items made of glass/metal, this includes cans, scissors, knives, mirrors, picture frames, vases, etc.
No plastic bags, wire hangers or keys.
No personal hygiene products will be permitted. We supply hygiene products to you.
No over the counter drugs, herbalsupplements, or vitamins, all are prohibited.
No alcohol or illegal drugs are permitted on facility grounds. Authorities may be contacted.
No food or beverage items permitted in rooms.
No spikes and/or studs including those on wristbands, belts, shoes, chain belts, all are prohibited.
No aerosol cans of any type.
No electric hair clippers or razors.
No shoestrings, draw strings, underwire or any other itemsthat can considered a ligature.
No bodily piercings allowed (you may be given retainers at intake if they are available).
No food, beverage, or any item delivered by a third-party delivery service.
Any other items at the discretion of the facility may be denied.
Adults Only: All cell phones will be safely secured at the nurses station on the unit throughout your stay.
Adolescents are not permitted to have cell phones on the unit.